I don't know why I haven't shared this one yet. It's a great new wave EP from a band called President Reagan is Clever. Not too much info to be found... They were from the UK, released this one record on the Hyena label in 1986, and then disappeared. Any other info (or other releases) would be appreciated! This is great synth-heavy new wave/post punk. A classic!
President Reagan is Clever: From This to That EP
1986 Hyena Records
A1 This Game
A2 Lock Stock & Barrel
A3 Four Walls
B1 Ostrich
B2 The Wheel
I love this, thanks!
Hi, I added this record to discogs over a year ago and probably have had more messages over it more than any other records I've ever submitted there. Someone emailed me who was a film producer who used to date a member of the band back in the day, and she was wanting to use them on a soundtrack to an upcoming film set in the UK 80s and also wanted to have bands like Cab Voltaire, and such on it... remember getting another email from a coworker to the singer who were looking for a copy of the record as well, the person said he was a doctor now! I never thought the record was that great besides "Four Walls". They also had a cassette called "Trinity Live" in 1985 on Peeved Records - and some tracks on comps from the same label. That Perfect Vision band you also added had some tapes on the same label. Here is the website for Peeved Records
-Matt K./S-V
Hi, thanks for posting these thoughts. I played bass in PRIC all those years ago - it's nice to know someone is still listening! The band broke up due to a combination of throat infections, medical training, Paradise Lost, petfood and frozen pipes, so this was the only released material, but I do have some later live material if you are interested. We played on the bill with Perfect Vision a number of times and I've been trying to track down their stuff - so thanks for that link.
I saw President Reagan is Clever play live many times, mostly in Cambridge city centre (Burleigh Arms, Sea Cadet Hall), and once supporting Talk Talk and The Fall in Duxford.
PRIC was one of the best Cambridge bands, its biggest rival being a band called Double Yellow Line, whose bass player went off to work with Zeke Manyika.
Both bands were highly commerical-sounding, but whilst Double Yellow Line was an over-earnest band, the sort you could take home to meet your parents, PRIC was darker and wittier and more to my taste.
Hiya !
I'm Ric, founder member of PRIC, and it's great to see this again. I produced the first demo, 'Dont Bring Me Down' (which turned into 'This Game'), 'Breakaway' and another track I cant remember . . . . still have a live tape of our gig at Harvey Court somewhere !
Still active in music, search for 'altarichard live at Montreux' and myspace.com/altarichard and
Cheers good peeps !
Ric x
Well, I don't actually think this is likely to have effect.
I think everybody ought to browse on it.
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