I remember when I used to see this EP quite a bit, usually in the dollar bin. In the past few years, it has become more and more scarce, only coming up once in a while on eBay. I figured that some people would probably be interested in hearing it. It's a wonderful and melodic synthpop mini-LP. Almost every song here is a gem. Time and Pain and Following Directions are both upbeat and catchy without being too commercial, and my favorite song, We Go In Threes, is slightly dark and melodic and makes this record a must-have, even if it is a bit cheesy at times. If you like Rational Youth, Scarlet Architect, early Depeche Mode, Starter, etc, you should appreciate this. I cannot find any information on this Frederick M from Virginia, although the songs are all credited to an F. M. Quayle... And a search for "Frederick M Quayle" turns up a 72-year-old Republican senator from Virginia. Is there any chance that these two people are one and the same? Could Frederick M really have been the hippest 47-year-old Republican Senator-to-be when he released this in 1984? All emails to Frederick M Quayle have gone unanswered...
Frederick M: Following Directions mLP
1984, Oak Springs Records
A1 Time and Pain
A2 Following Directions
A3 They Don't Know
B1 We Go In Threes
B2 Nothing to Fear
B3 Bolero
Click here to download this record!
Thanks a lot for posting such a rare minimal synth gem, this is an excellent album! Your blog is great, can you please post Scarlet Architect if you have it,
Best regards from Australia
Thank you for this!!! AWESOME!
Frederick M is the son of the Republican mentioned above. Frederick M is a stage name for Mac Quayle, producer and remixer extrordinaire. He currently works on the music for Cold Case. I was the executive producer on Following Directions, and have always loved it.
Sorry, the link does noy work anymore, could you please re-upload this one? thank you in advance and keep on this way!
cheers from Rome
This can't really work, I believe like this.
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